Так вот начнем с того что, если вы человек далекий от программирования то скорей всего знакомство со скриптами жабы в начале вам не доставит особого удовольствия.
Начнем с того что я лично для себя выбрал язык JScript.
JScript - это java, но не откомании Sun, а от Microsoft.
Это обо языка произлшдл от групы ECOM262 - если мне не изменяет память.
По это они различаються между собой синтаксисам и так далее, но различия не большие.
Начнем с того как устаовить скриптовой движок и как его настроить.
И так идем в директорию где у вас лежит жаба. (Желательно установить с нуля с помощью инсталятора или рег файла жилательно в директорию C:\)
У нас в папке с жабой есть папка settings в ней необходимо создать файл commonlib.scr
Это собственно где храниться ваши скрипты для всех профилей жабы!
Чтоб Жаба начала без проблем понимать файлы без расширения .scr в этот самый commonlib.scr нужно вставить следущий не хитрый код
* Multi-Script Loader
* Written by Nemesis
* Modify by Mortis
* v.1.3
* Description:
* Allows you to set multiple handlers in JMC for loading
* more than one script.
* Usage:
* type = "Input" - Information from the command line
* "Incoming" - Information from the server
* "Timer"
* "PreTimer"
* "Connect"
* "Disconnect"
* register_handler( type, function );
* remove_handler( type, function );
* replace_handler( type, oldfunction, newfunction );
* Ex.
* function test( event ) {
* blah blah blah...
* }
* function test2( event ) {
* blah blah blah...
* }
* register_handler( "Input", test );
* replace_handler( "Input", test, test2 );
* remove_handler( "Input", test2 );
* To read another JScript file, type:
* _include( filename );
* Ex.
* _include( "settings/script.scr" );
* When including, script does not need to have extention
* .scr You may make up your own if you please.
* The Incoming handler must return the event else
* the line will not be displayed on the screen.
* If you want an event to drop after reading input,
* return 1 else return 0
var debug = false; // Used to display what Script Loader does. (false by default)
var FileSystem = new ActiveXObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject");
var ForReading = 1;
var ForWriting = 2;
var ForAppending = 8;
_scripts = new Array();
_input = new Array();
_incoming = new Array();
_timer = new Array();
_pretimer = new Array();
_connect = new Array();
_disconnect = new Array();
var _handler = 1;
function _include(sFileName)
if (FileSystem.FileExists(sFileName)) {
_scripts.push( sFileName );
var Stream = FileSystem.OpenTextFile(sFileName, ForReading);
jmc.output(color(1,"blue") + sFileName + color(1,"green") + " Loaded.");
} else {
jmc.showme( color(1,"red") + "Failed to load: " + sFileName );
jmc.showme( color(1,"red") + "File not found." );
function register_handler(type, call)
var found = false;
if (type == "Input") {
for (var x = 0; x < _input.length; x++) {
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Check Call.");
if (_input[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Found Call.");
if (!found) {
_input.push( call );
if (debug) {
if (found) {
jmc.output( "Handler Input already Registered.");
} else {
jmc.output( "Handler Input Registered.");
} else if (type == "Incoming") {
for (var x = 0; x < _incoming.length; x++) {
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Check Call.");
if (_incoming[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Found Call.");
if (!found) {
_incoming.push( call );
if (debug) {
if (found) {
jmc.output( "Handler Incoming already Registered.");
} else {
jmc.output( "Handler Incoming Registered.");
} else if (type == "Timer") {
for (var x = 0; x < _timer.length; x++) {
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Check Call.");
if (_timer[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Found Call.");
if (!found) {
_timer.push( call );
if (debug) {
if (found) {
jmc.output( "Handler Timer already Registered.");
} else {
jmc.output( "Handler Timer Registered.");
} else if (type == "PreTimer") {
for (var x = 0; x < _pretimer.length; x++) {
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Check Call.");
if (_pretimer[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Found Call.");
if (!found) {
_pretimer.push( call );
if (debug) {
if (found) {
jmc.output( "Handler PreTimer already Registered.");
} else {
jmc.output( "Handler PreTimer Registered.");
} else if (type == "Connect") {
for (var x = 0; x < _connect.length; x++) {
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Check Call.");
if (_connect[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Found Call.");
if (!found) {
_connect.push( call );
if (debug) {
if (found) {
jmc.output( "Handler Connect already Registered.");
} else {
jmc.output( "Handler Connect Registered.");
} else if (type == "Disconnect") {
for (var x = 0; x < _disconnect.length; x++) {
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Check Call.");
if (_disconnect[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
if (debug) {
jmc.output("Found Call.");
if (!found) {
_disconnect.push( call );
if (debug) {
if (found) {
jmc.output( "Handler Disconnect already Registered.");
} else {
jmc.output( "Handler Disconnect Registered.");
} else {
jmc.output( "Unknown Handler Call." );
function remove_handler( type, call ) {
var found = false;
if (type == "Input") {
for (var x = 0; x < _input.length; x++) {
if (_input[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
_input[ x ] = null;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler Input Removed.");
} else if (type == "Incoming") {
for (var x = 0; x < _incoming.length; x++) {
if (_incoming[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
_incoming[ x ] = null;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler Incoming Removed.");
} else if (type == "Timer") {
for (var x = 0; x < _timer.length; x++) {
if (_timer[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
_timer[ x ] = null;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler Timer Removed.");
} else if (type == "PreTimer") {
for (var x = 0; x < _pretimer.length; x++) {
if (_pretimer[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
_pretimer[ x ] = null;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler PreTimer Removed.");
} else if (type == "Disconnect") {
for (var x = 0; x < _disconnect.length; x++) {
if (_disconnect[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
_disconnect[ x ] = null;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler Disconnect Removed.");
} else if (type == "Connect") {
for (var x = 0; x < _connect.length; x++) {
if (_connect[ x ] == call) {
found = true;
_connect[ x ] = null;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler Connect Removed.");
} else {
jmc.output( "Unknown Handler Call." );
function replace_handler( type, oldcall, newcall ) {
var found = false;
if (type == "Input") {
for (var x = 0; x < _input.length; x++) {
if (_input[ x ] == oldcall) {
found = true;
_input[ x ] = newcall;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler Input Replaced.");
} else if (type == "Incoming") {
for (var x = 0; x < _incoming.length; x++) {
if (_incoming[ x ] == oldcall) {
found = true;
_incoming[ x ] = newcall;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler Incoming Replaced.");
} else if (type == "Timer") {
for (var x = 0; x < _timer.length; x++) {
if (_timer[ x ] == oldcall) {
found = true;
_timer[ x ] = newcall;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler Timer Replaced.");
} else if (type == "PreTimer") {
for (var x = 0; x < _pretimer.length; x++) {
if (_pretimer[ x ] == oldcall) {
found = true;
_pretimer[ x ] = newcall;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler PreTimer Replaced.");
} else if (type == "Connect") {
for (var x = 0; x < _connect.length; x++) {
if (_connect[ x ] == oldcall) {
found = true;
_connect[ x ] = newcall;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler Connect Replaced.");
} else if (type == "Disconnect") {
for (var x = 0; x < _disconnect.length; x++) {
if (_disconnect[ x ] == oldcall) {
found = true;
_disconnect[ x ] = newcall;
if (found && debug) {
jmc.output( "Handler Disconnect Replaced.");
} else {
jmc.output( "Unknown Handler Call." );
function handler_input()
split = jmc.event.split(" ");
switch(split[ 0 ]) {
case "/jload":
_include( split[ 1 ] );
case "/jclear":
_input = new Array();
_incoming = new Array();
_timer = new Array();
jmc.output("Handlers Reset");
case "/jshow":
jmc.showme( "" );
jmc.showme( "" );
jmc.showme( "Loaded Scripts");
jmc.showme( "*----------------------------------*" );
for (var x = 0; x < _scripts.length; x++) {
jmc.showme( _scripts[ x ]);
jmc.showme( "*----------------------------------*" );
case "/?":
jmc.showme( "" );
jmc.showme( "SL Help" );
jmc.showme( "---------------------------------------" );
jmc.showme( "/jload <script> - loads a javascript into memory. " );
jmc.showme( "/jshow - shows javascripts in memory." );
jmc.showme( "/jclear - removes all loaded javascripts." );
jmc.showme( "---------------------------------------" );
jmc.showme( "END OF SL HELP" );
for (var x = 0; x < _input.length; x++) {
if (_input[ x ] != null) {
if (_input[ x ]( jmc.event )) {
function handler_incoming()
for (var x = 0; x < _incoming.length; x++) {
if (_incoming[ x ] != null) {
jmc.event = _incoming[ x ]( jmc.event );
function handler_connect()
for (var x = 0; x < _connect.length; x++) {
if (_connect[ x ] != null) {
_connect[ x ]();
function handler_disconnect()
for (var x = 0; x < _disconnect.length; x++) {
if (_disconnect[ x ] != null) {
_disconnect[ x ]();
register_handler( "Incoming" , auto_login);
function handler_timer()
for (var x = 0; x < _timer.length; x++) {
if (_timer[ x ] != null) {
_timer[ x ]();
function handler_pretimer()
for (var x = 0; x < _pretimer.length; x++) {
if (_pretimer[ x ] != null) {
_pretimer[ x ]();
function remascii( line ) {
if (line != null) {
line = line.replace(/\[\d+;\d+m/g,"");
line = line.replace(/\[\d+m/g,"");
return line;
return "";
function getElapseSeconds(from, to) {
var update = new Date();
var seconds = 0;
seconds = ( from.getMinutes() - to.getMinutes() ) * 60;
seconds += ( from.getSeconds() - to.getSeconds() );
return Math.abs(seconds);
function color( contrast, type ) {
switch( type ) {
default: return "[" + contrast + ";37m]"; break;
case "gray": return "[" + contrast + ";30m"; break;
case "red": return "[" + contrast + ";31m"; break;
case "green": return "[" + contrast + ";32m"; break;
case "yellow": return "[" + contrast + ";33m"; break;
case "blue": return "[" + contrast + ";34m"; break;
case "magenta": return "[" + contrast + ";35m"; break;
case "cyan": return "[" + contrast + ";36m"; break;
case "white": return "[" + contrast + ";37m"; break;
case "gray": return "[" + contrast + ";30m"; break;
function auto_login( event ) {
var line = remascii( event );
if (autologin) {
if (line.search(login_prompt) != -1) {
jmc.output(color(1,"green") + "Initiating Autologin");
remove_handler("Incoming" , auto_login);
} else if (line.search( login_skip ) != -1) {
jmc.output( color(1,"green") + "Already in game, skipping Autologin." );
remove_handler("Incoming" , auto_login);
} else {
jmc.output( color(1,"green") + "Auto-login Disabled.");
remove_handler("Incoming" , auto_login);
return event;
jmc.SetTimer(1, 20);
jmc.output( color(1,"yellow") + "Loader Installed.");
jmc.output( color(1,"yellow") + "Written by " + color(1,"white") + " Nemesis.");
jmc.output( "" );
if (FileSystem.FileExists("settings/" + jmc.profile + ".js")) {
_include( "settings/" + jmc.profile + ".js" );
} else {
_include( "settings/default.js" );
А в папку settings так же добавть файл default.js.
Внимание все файлы должны быть сохранены с кодировкой ANSI !!! В настроках JMC выбрать во вкладе Script -> JScript.encode
Отредактировано Mortis (03.06.13 14:51:57)